Edward Aczel  began performing stand-up comedy in 2005 at the age of 38. Edward is a product manager in Aylesbury but signed up to an evening comedy course for beginners, where he caught the comedy bug. By the end of 2005, he was the runner-up in both the prestigious BBC New Comedy Awards and in Jimmy Carr’s Comedy Idol. Now a regular headliner on the comedy circuit, Ed has performed eight solo shows at the Edinburgh Festival his last show “The Random Flapping of a Butterfly’s Wings” went down a storm with the Edinburgh Festival crowd.

He still to this day, works full-time in an office.

“Turns unprofessionalism into an art-form.” The Times
"An original and clever piece of comedy deconstruction” Daily Express
“A wonderful hybrid of delight and despondency” Three Weeks
 “Edward Aczel is perhaps Britain’s greatest living anti-comedian” Guardian
“Like Being Trapped In the worst (but utterly hilarious) meeting you’ve ever been to. Surprising and joyous!” Flock ComedY
"Edward Aczel bumbled onto the stage, bemused, bewitched & bewildered leaving the audience feeling exactly the same. Absolutely flocking brilliant!" Flock Comedy 29 January 2016

You can follow Edward on Twitter @EdwardAczel