Flock Comedy

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Flock Funding

Ken Norman, the club’s Head Shepherd, will be pitching for some funding and business support at an innovative new scheme known as Oxfordshire SOUP. The initiative, the brain child of Creating Sense’s Tina Marshall, allows small businesses the opportunity to compete for some cash and support they may need to grow their business.

Businesses wishing to pitch go through a selection process provided they are under 3 years old, with less £50k turnover and no more than 3 employees. The winning business will take home all the money taken at the door (yipee!), plus £250 sponsored by The Learning Ladder, a complimentary training course from The Learning Ladder and of course a session to review its strategic marketing Creating Sense (let's hope it's us then!) The event, a kind of a crowd-funding meets Dragon’s Den, is open to anyone with an interest in local business and will be a great networking opportunity in its own right. The first Oxfordshire SOUP, which Tina is hoping to run quarterly, will be held at Wood Green School in Witney on Wednesday 15 June from 7:30am - 9:30am. Entry is £18 and includes breakfast sponsored by West Oxfordshire District Council. It would be great to see you there (we could do with the votes!) Tickets are available here.

Should Flock Comedy win, the funds and business support will help turn my hobby into viable, full time business.